
Magical lets anyone automate soul-crushing tasks by moving data between tabs.

Seed Apps

Partner Kevin Zhang interviews Magical founder Rosie Chopra

Kevin Zhang
What inspired you to become a founder?

Rosie Chopra
Becoming a mom. I finally understood the value of time the moment my first child was born. Any time spent away from my kids has to be worth it – it has to bring me deep meaning. Becoming a founder has given me as much purpose professionally, as motherhood has personally.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about being a founder?

As cliched as it is – It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Thinking of your startup as a 10 year journey gives you perspective and rationale decision making vs looking weeks or months out.

Magical Launch Video

What do you appreciate most about working with Bain Capital Ventures?

The thoughtfulness. Whether it’s a question on the market, perspective needed on the business, or a hiring ask, you and the team are excellent sounding boards. BCV feels like an extension of our team.

How did you originally get in touch with BCV? What were your early conversations like?

I met you through Harpaul (our CEO). I can’t recall our early conversations in detail, but was impressed by how dialed in you were to the market, and how much perspective you brought to the table.

How would you describe the nature of your relationship with your BCV partner today?

You are a true business partner. Regardless of what’s top of mind for us in the business, you’re someone I naturally turn to for advice. You have supported us through every major milestone at Magical – from fundraising, to key hiring decisions, to questions surrounding the market.

BCV Team