Ajay Agarwal
How did you originally get in touch with BCV? What were your early conversations like?
Matt Martin
A mutual friend at Greylock, Saam Motamedi, introduced you and me after I had heard from a customer that BCV was asking about their Clockwise use. This led to some great early conversations in the spring of 2020, right as the pandemic was forming. In fact, the last in-person meeting I had was with you at a very empty San Francisco BCV office the day after Clockwise closed our offices! It was a wild ride and, in fact, we wrote an article about it.
How would you describe the nature of your relationship with BCV today?
Collaborative, supportive, and engaged. You are a fantastic investor who, as a former operator himself, has deep empathy for what it takes to build an iconic company. You can pattern match against a wide variety of top-tier companies, you know where to press, and how to add leverage to the business.